Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity (a.k.a the Grand Boulé) was established in 1904 in Philadelphia by a group of 6 area professionals (Henry Minton, PhG, Algernon Jackson, MD, Edward Howard, MD, Richard Warrick, MD, Robert Abele, MD, and Eugene Hinson, MD.) Recognized as the first African-American fraternity, the Boule was established to serve its members and their communities at a time when men of distinction, such as themselves, were more explicitly excluded from belonging to or participating in professional organizations based on their ethnicity. The Grand Boulé now includes member boulés across the United States and abroad and its membership is over 5,000 members (Archons).
Delta Eta Boulé was established in Denver on May 18, 1991, by 16 men of professional and public distinction. Delta Eta’s membership (highly selective and by invitation only) currently consists of more than 40 distinguished professionals representing various fields, including: law, medicine, politics, law-enforcement, engineering, military, education, religion, arts/entertainment, finance, real-estate development and business.
In 1998 the Delta Eta Boulé Foundation was established in Colorado as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization solidifying the organization’s commitment and lasting legacy of supporting the betterment of the city , the state and the country. The foundation has supported many worthy community causes throughout the Denver metro area as well as delivering on one of its highest priorities – supporting and developing community and world leaders from the Denver metropolitan area through scholarships, mentorships, internships and personal/professional development programs.